Frank BertoSenior Pastor
Hi there, I’m Frank Berto
I have had the privilege of serving Jesus with the “Living Hope” family since 2014. My wife Cheryl and I asked God for the delight of serving Jesus in a fellowship that looked like and cared for the people of the neighbourhood that it was located in. Living Hope is God’s answer to that prayer. (And it’s close enough for me to walk to work.)
I became a follower of Jesus when he delivered me from addiction and confusion on my first day working on Whistler Mountain over 30 years ago. Jesus put me on my feet and gave my life a meaning and joy that I long for others to share. I’ve served churches in Whistler, Vancouver, Richmond and Surrey since that time as well as spent many years in various other occupations (retail sales, heavy equipment operating, etc.)
I have 2 teenage daughters who daily remind me of the joy of family and my fallibility as a follower of Jesus. Cheryl is both a social worker and counselor and shares my deep desire to see people transformed by Jesus’ love in the power of His Spirit.
I enjoy playing the guitar (probably too loudly – a product of my generation), weightlifting and meeting new people. Let me take you for a cup of coffee and talk about the meaning of life and Jesus’ love for you.
Keep the faith,

Alyssa HordykPastor of Children's Ministries